
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Facade Poem

Facade Poem
I seem to be like darkness that is ominous and foreboding,
But really I am light that is cheery and enveloping,
I seem to be like a fly that is busy and exasperating,
But really I am a bird that is talkative and friendly,
I seem to be like a stone that is one of many and worthless,
But really I am gold that is unique and desirable,
I seem to be like the ocean that is vast and open,
But really I am a cave that is confined and claustrophobic,
I seem to be like a child that is questioning and insignificant ,
But really I am an old man that is wise and experienced,
I seem to be like weakness that is feeble and fragile,
But really I am strength that is persevering and mighty,
I seem to be like evil that is wicked and destructive,
But really I am good that is aiding and selfless,
I seem to be like poison that is deceptive and deadly,
But really I am honey that is glowing and sweet,
I seem to be like a peasant that is lowly and vile,
But really I am a king that is fair and always has a smile,


All Alliteration=Awesome

All Alliteration=Awesome
Super star Sally sits super silently seemingly scared. Billy Bob bounces boisterously, being bad. Technically Timmy Tiger took Tommy Tiger’s two-dollar, tiny tarantula tactically. Eventually, evil Evelyn eats every Egyptian entree. Fatima fantastically fulfills fanning Felicity fairly fast. Pam punched Pete partially perfect, placing pain precisely, plenty powerfully. Amanda announced all alien avians aren’t atrocious and asked "are artichokes apples?" Zany zooplankton zebras zig zaged zapped zinc zoomily. Crazy Carlos chaotically craves crunchy crackers creepily. Cheerful Chase cheats Charlie, churning cheetos cheekily.  -Chase

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The ABCs of Leadership

The ABCs of Leadership

A: Always be open to everyone’s ideas.
B: But, you should establish your state of power.
C: Choose the ideas you see fit.
D: Don’t exclude.
E: Eventually get to work on your task.
F: Favoring people will end in a problem.
G: Go relax when the work gets started unless extra hands are needed. (your job is getting it organized).
H: Have at least some sense of fun and enjoyment or productivity rates will drop.
I: It is important to have specific tasks that only one or two people complete.
J: Jump from station to station, making sure work is getting done.
K: Kick anyone out who is dampening the mood or refuses to listen (if you have to).
L: Listen to complaints or suggestions and then improve the project or work environment.
M: Make sure any commands you give are simple and not hard to remember.
N: No straight up bossing people around; make it sound like it is to their benefit or that it’s easy.
O: Overprotect your position and if you lose it, your only goal should be to get it back.
P: Priority is important (get whatever is most urgent resolved).
Q: Questions should be answered; nobody wants anything to do with something they don’t understand.
R: Remember everything, what people prefer, what needs to be done, who’s doing what, etc.
S: Slip in occasional rewards to keep people interested.
T: Two leaders is not a problem; you can have advisors, but don’t let them weasel their way into your spot
U: Unless you don’t want anything done, get all the help you can get and try not to turn any offers down.  
V: Verify what everyone needs to be doing every once and a while to keep them on track.
W: Why not have multiple projects going if you can manage it?
X:eXtra supplies should be taken into account, some might get lost or break (use where applies).
Y: You are the only one who makes the choices, don’t let people manipulate you.
Z: Zen mentality is essential; don’t get easily stressed out.

Words to Live By

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

In the Cloak of Night

In the Cloak of Night

The dark blanket of night time set across my neighborhood, an armor that could not be pierced.  Yet one swift figure dashed across my window, breaking my primitive understanding of the dark and the routine sleepy feel that is embedded in my very matter. But, when I looked out the portal into the unsafe cold to confirm my suspicions, all that I beheld was a slip of what looked like paper. I’ll investigate in the morning, I thought languidly. Even though I thought it was but a script of paper scuttling in the tides of the wind, I still had an uncomfortable feeling it would not be over with the spears of light thrown into the early hours by the sun.
When the sun’s beams of light filled every corner of my house with its honey glow, I didn’t think much of the shadowy figure or the paper. I continued on like a normal morning, brushed my teeth, had some breakfast, got dressed, and established the days blueprint. Even though my day had started off quite usually, It was about to get much the opposite. When I eventually remembered to go check out the paper, I noticed it was much larger than I had thought. In fact, It was a full blown letter. I then sat on my bed and began to delve into its secrets. Apparently, it was to me from somebody named Isaac. He told me my home was rigged to explode and if I didn’t meet him by my neighborhood pool at 9:00 he would detonate the bomb. That was in five minutes! I Immediately began sprinting to the fence by the pool, and sure enough there was a tall intimidating man waiting for me like the eventuality of death.
Before I could even say a word he pulled out what looked like a tazer and pressed a button on it. The instant he did, I became aware. Aware of other worlds, possible timelines, people I have never met, and spirits and souls. Yet my physical form would not budge. I sat there frozen in a defensive position, my mind searching and spreading through the archives of existence. Then Isaac's clothes became the exact ones I was wearing. I shrink in fear of the revelation I just had. His face is my face! Somehow in my rapid rush I didn’t notice that he looked exactly like me.
“Now I am going to take over your life and use your identity to the whim of my secret society!” He shouts. My image blinks away from an eye’s grasp and Isaac walks back toward my home. I try to shout for help, but even with my newfound infinite wisdom, I cannot break the hold my own mind holds on my lips. As I sit there beginning to languish in my prison of a body, I imagine the horrible things Isaac is doing to the good name of Chase. And then I wake up.
Oh good! It was only a dream! I think, still under the coat of blackness.
“OR WAS IT?!” I hear Isaac scream from inside my head.
The End?

Author Bio

Chase is an author of many bestselling books, lives in Madagascar with his family. Even though he was born and raised in Santa Barbara, most of his family has moved out to beautiful and exotic Southern Africa. Currently he is main focus is his children and his writing. After he won the lottery 9 times in a row, his life was made quite simple and he shared plenty of his money with local charities and family. In fact, that is the reason he moved to Africa in the first place, to further his starvation combating side company. He has many fantasy novels and series that won many awards. To see what Chase is up to now, check out his blog at