The ABCs of Leadership
A: Always be open to everyone’s ideas.
B: But, you should establish your state of power.
C: Choose the ideas you see fit.
D: Don’t exclude.
E: Eventually get to work on your task.
F: Favoring people will end in a problem.
G: Go relax when the work gets started unless extra hands are needed. (your job is getting it organized).
H: Have at least some sense of fun and enjoyment or productivity rates will drop.
I: It is important to have specific tasks that only one or two people complete.
J: Jump from station to station, making sure work is getting done.
K: Kick anyone out who is dampening the mood or refuses to listen (if you have to).
L: Listen to complaints or suggestions and then improve the project or work environment.
M: Make sure any commands you give are simple and not hard to remember.
N: No straight up bossing people around; make it sound like it is to their benefit or that it’s easy.
O: Overprotect your position and if you lose it, your only goal should be to get it back.
P: Priority is important (get whatever is most urgent resolved).
Q: Questions should be answered; nobody wants anything to do with something they don’t understand.
R: Remember everything, what people prefer, what needs to be done, who’s doing what, etc.
S: Slip in occasional rewards to keep people interested.
T: Two leaders is not a problem; you can have advisors, but don’t let them weasel their way into your spot
U: Unless you don’t want anything done, get all the help you can get and try not to turn any offers down.
V: Verify what everyone needs to be doing every once and a while to keep them on track.
W: Why not have multiple projects going if you can manage it?
X:eXtra supplies should be taken into account, some might get lost or break (use where applies).
Y: You are the only one who makes the choices, don’t let people manipulate you.
Z: Zen mentality is essential; don’t get easily stressed out.
WOW! This is really great and useful!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Yeah, well, you pick up a thing or two with three younger sisters!
ReplyDeleteI love how you managed to get every letter without stretching the topic too much!
ReplyDeleteWell I did get stuck on the obvious letters (x,z,q,etc.) and was stuck for quite a while, but yeah it came through.