
Thursday, July 28, 2016

All Alliteration=Awesome

All Alliteration=Awesome
Super star Sally sits super silently seemingly scared. Billy Bob bounces boisterously, being bad. Technically Timmy Tiger took Tommy Tiger’s two-dollar, tiny tarantula tactically. Eventually, evil Evelyn eats every Egyptian entree. Fatima fantastically fulfills fanning Felicity fairly fast. Pam punched Pete partially perfect, placing pain precisely, plenty powerfully. Amanda announced all alien avians aren’t atrocious and asked "are artichokes apples?" Zany zooplankton zebras zig zaged zapped zinc zoomily. Crazy Carlos chaotically craves crunchy crackers creepily. Cheerful Chase cheats Charlie, churning cheetos cheekily.  -Chase


  1. This is really funny! I should have thought of something like that! Nice!

  2. Yeah it's pretty silly! Some sentences don't make much sense, but they're fun to say! Thanks!
